

Dog registration - at your town hall!

Amicus is a national data base to register dogs. Your Vet, will do that for you.


Dog School

  • Dog School Hagmann (INFO)
  • Kynologischer Verein, Werdenberg (INFO)  

Dog Sitter (for holidays)

  • Hundepension Lucobello  (INFO)

Dog - Swimming

  • Where dogs are allowed at the lake of Constance (List)

Dog on the Train -  Dogs of any size travelling in passenger carriages must always pay second-class half fare. Exception: small dogs up to 30 cm high at the top of their shoulder blades can travel with you free of charge as carriage hand luggage provided they are in a carrier, basket or other suitable container. (INFO)


Dog Walker


Veterinary in Buchs (English-speakers)

  • Kleintierpraxis Werdenberg, Buchs (INFO)
  • Sutter & Sutter, Buchs (INFO)


You have any ideas? Share them with us!